*ngiikk.. ngeekkk...
BLINK is back!!
yapp kali ini gue bakal ngebahas tentang salah satu band favorit gue nihh apalagi kalo bukan BLINK182. sapa yang ga tau band punk asal amerika yang satu ini?
Blink-182 adalah pop punk band bernggotakan Mark Hoppus bass&vocal, vocalist and guitarist Tom DeLonge, dan drummer Travis Barker
baru-baru ini doi baru aja ngeluarin single terbarunya guys, 'Up All Night' salah satu lagu yang terdaftar dalam album baru sang legenda punk ini.
setelah tahun 2004 band ini resmi bubar dan para personelnya disibukkan dengan project masing-masing, berawal dari reuni pada Grammy Awards 2009, Blink-182 mulai memikirkan untuk memproduksi album di studio baru. setelah kembali bersama-sama, drumer Travis Barker mengatakan bahwa trio ini segera "mendapatkan inspirasi" dengan berlatih lagu-lagu lama mereka dan mendengarkan mereka lagi, dan mereka memutuskan untuk merekam demo. There were four demos done, and only one was near completion, called "Up All Night". The song was originally titled "The Night the Moon Was Gone", a name DeLonge's daughter, Ava, came up with. Ada empat demo dilakukan, dan hanya satu yang hampir selesai, yang berjudul "Up All Night". Lagu ini awalnya berjudul "The Night the Moon Was Gone". lagu berdurasi 3:19 menit ini tergabung dalam album terbaru mereka 'Neighborhoods' seperti yang diumumkan official 15 juli kemarin dan sebenarnya album ini baru akan rilis pada 27 september 2011. "Everybody in the world thinks of something unique unto themselves when they hear the word 'Neighborhoods'," ujar Hoppus tentang album ini. dia menambahkan "To some it is a big city, others a small town, others suburbia, everything. The world is wide, exciting and very different. That's what Neighborhoods means to me."
berikut ini adalah tracklist lagu dalam album 'Neighborhoods':
1. "Ghost on the Dance Floor"
2. "A La Mode"
3. "This Is Home"
4. "Snake Charmer"
5. "MH 4.18.2011"
6. "Even If She Falls"
7. "You Too"
8. "Up All Night"
9. "After Midnight"
10. "Natives"
Deluxe edition bonus tracks:
11. "Kaleidoscope"
12. "Fighting the Gravity"
13. "Heart's All Gone"
daripada lama-lama mending langsung cekidot aja lirik lagu 'Up All Night' by BLINK 182
Up All Night
Everyone wants to call it all around our life with a better name
Everyone falls and spins and gets up again with a friend who does the same
Everyone lies and cheats their wants and needs and still believes their heart
And everyone gets the chills, the kind that kills when the pain begins to start
Lets get this straight, do you want me here,
As I struggle through each and every year
and all these Demons, they keep me up all night
They keep me up all night,
They keep me up all night,
Everyone’s cross to bear’s a crown they wear on endless holiday
Everyone raises kids in a world that changes life to a bitter game
Everyone works and fights, stays up all night, to celebrate the day
And everyone lives to tell the tale of how we die alone some day
Lets get this straight, do you want me here,
As I struggle through each and every year,
And all these demons, they keep me up all night,
They keep me up all night
They keep me up all night
dan buat yang pengen dengerin bisa download disini
berikut ini video clipnya
pendapat gue tentang lagu ini, musik blink yang baru jadi mirip seperti AvA(Angels & Airwaves) maklum mungkin bawaan dari Tom DeLonge mungkin hehehe. Yang paling bikin gue takjub sih gebukan drum Travis Barker yang semakin cadas dan berbau harccore, over all ini baru yang namanya PUNK HARDCORE \m/
sekian dulu guys tentang review lagu favoritnya, lain kali dengan lagu yang pastinya ga kalah keren donk..
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